Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Canning the fruits of my garden

I ended up with seven jars of salsa and seven quarts of Scott's Mom's green tomatoes. I did add some cauliflower. I found a site that said you could do that. I also did seven quarts of crushed tomatoes. I hope we will eat them. I think they will look pretty on the pantry shelves though.
Here is a close up of the green pickled tomatoes. Scott loves them. Jackson about hurled when he walked in the house. He has a serious problem with the smell of vinegar. The whole house reeked of it. I thought the smell of dill would linger but the vinegar killed that smell. They look yummy. I've never loved pickled veggies. If we end up having to eat them to survive I suppose I will learn to love them. I am excited for the salsa though. I just hope it's spicy enough to make Scott happy and yet mild enough that we can all enjoy it.

It was fun, I can't believe I got it done before we leave tomorrow for Disneyland. I feel so proud. *sniff,sniff*


Gingerlylizzy said...

Wow! Look at you! Those look delicious and so pretty...

Christine said...

You go girl! You are amazing as always! Wish we were at Disneyland with you! Have so much fun!!!