Summer is almost over. I'm usually very sad about this but this year I am counting the days until Christmas.
On June 18th at my very first away derby bout I tore my acl right before the half. It didn't hurt fortunately. I was just skating around the bend and heard/felt a pop on the outside of my knee. I went down feeling like something was really wrong. I got up and was able to skate to the sides but I knew it was not good. I went to see the doc and he ordered an MRI even though he thought it was only a torn meniscus. He gave me the bad news that I severed my acl completely and if I wanted to do anything sports like again (read irish dance and roller derby) then I needed to have it repaired.
I had surgery on July 14, 2011. I had to use crutches for three weeks then I could walk. I haven't been in too much physical pain. The emotional pain from being sidelined from life has been much harder to deal with.
I'm dong well at physical therapy, they say I'm way ahead of schedule pain and range of motion wise but I still have to give my graft st least 12 weeks to mend. I might be able to start exercise in a couple of weeks and maybe be able to start to skate at the four month mark. So maybe in November I can get my sanity back.
It's amazing how much exercise helps you to control your aggression. Or maybe it's slamming into another girl with all my strength that does that.
I miss derby.